State of Michigan LogoFit, in keeping with its commitment to the highest standards in product quality and customer service, offers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

A free call-tag will be issued for product returns within 90 days in the following cases:

Product is defective in manufacturing or decoration

Product has been delivered in error

Returns due to any other reason will incur a return fee of 30% of the value of the goods + applicable shipping charges.


Product has been ordered in error

Size has been misjudged

Styling not as expected

The product return fee may be waived by LogoFit on a case-by-case basis under special circumstances. Please contact us for assistance at, or 800-778-8948 x. 200.

Processing returns: upon receipt, returned product will be inspected and a credit will be issued minus the return fee and freight, if applicable.

The following items cannot be returned or exchanged:

Embellished/Decorated items

Items that have been washed, worn, altered, or faded by sunlight

Items missing hangtags

Custom items produced off contract or not added to an agency’s rack

Returns within 3 months of contract end date